Lectures + Seminars

디자인의 양가성 The Ambivalence of Design

AA-Yonsei Lecture Series 2022. 10. 6~14

An AA-Yonsei Lecture Series as part of Relay Learning Symposium

이 ‘디자인의 양가성’ 강연 시리즈(무료)는 영국문화원의 후원으로 이루어지는 연세대학교 건축설계4 스튜디오와 AA School Dip19의 Relay-Learning의 일부입니다. 서울의 세션 (1, 4, 7) 은 연세대학교 런어스 (야외)스튜디오 및 온라인, 런던의 세션 (2, 3, 5, 6, 8) 은 AA School과 런어스 스튜디오(이원방송) 및 온라인에서 모두 참여가능하며, 각각의 강연 페이지에서 예약이 가능합니다. 예약시스템의 일원화를 위해 AA측이 제공한 예약시스템을 이용합니다. 서울측 급한 연락은 010-3529-0095 성주은 / 010-7107-4855 이재원 / 010-2520-1748 유지인 으로 연락바랍니다.

The Ambivalence of Design series invites nine esteemed speakers to propose radical, alternative forms of design praxis. In places like London, the city's production is driven by profit, the market, and thus market research, propelling escalating cost inflation, increasing hours of work and financial struggle, deepening the climate crisis, and producing a more and more homogeneous and uninteresting city. Architects are now so often commissioned to cloak raw profit speculation and its hidden command over our forms of work and life with an opposite or contrasting image - whether aspiring, spontaneous, ‘green,’ communal, healing, soothing, identitarian, optimistic-futuristic or other. Thus, we architects are too often distracted and help to distract others from an awareness or confrontation with the deeper sources of our crisis and disenchantment, ensuring that nothing radically new can ever happen. Put simply, one of the core aims of the series is to develop ways that architects and architecture might empower people to ‘see,’ and become their own designers, theorists, doers, guides, ‘healers,’ world-makers, and in some sense even architects.

Ambivalence of Design ‘디자인의 양가성’ 시리즈는 9명의 저명 연사를 초대하여 디자인 실천의 급진적이고 대안적인 형태를 제안한다. 런던과 서울 같은 대도시에서는 생산이 이윤과 시장, 그에 따를 시장 조사에 의해 주도되며, 이는 비용 인플레이션 확대, 노동시간과 재정문제 증가, 기후 위기 심화 뿐만 아니라 점점 더 특색없이 재미없는 도시를 생산합니다. 오늘의 건축가는 야심차거나, 자발적이거나, 친환경적이거나, 공동체적이거나, 치유와 진정, 정체성, 낙관-미래적과 같은 이미지를 내세워 우리의 일과 삶을 원시 이익 투기와 보이지 않는 지배로 덮어 버리기도 한다. 그래서 위기와 환멸의 깊은 근원에 대한 인식으로부터 스스로도, 다른 이들도 산만하게 만들어버려, 근본적으로 새로운 일이 일어나지 못한다. 간단히 말해, 이 시리즈의 핵심 목표 중 하나는 건축가와 건축이 사람들로 하여금 '보고', 스스로 디자이너, 이론가, 행동가, 가이드, '치유자', 어떤 의미에서는 건축가가 될 수 있는 권한을 부여할 수 있도록 하는 것이다.

SESSION 1: PRACTICING CHANGE - HYUNGMIN PAI, Thursday 6 October 18:00 KST 10:00 BST (Online and LearnUs Studio, Yonsei)

Things change. They really do. Practicing Change is an auto-theoretical account of a transformational trajectory - from a historian, through a critic, to a curator – within a particular global-Korean setting. It describes an individual (my) experience of larger historical conditions and the (my) search through different practices as a way of responding to their change. This trajectory sheds light on the different ways history, theory, and practice can and has been approached. The radically condensed transformations of Korean society during the past century provides a unique perspective on how one may move through and within medieval, modern, and contemporary conditions. Find out more.

SESSION 2: EXHIBITION IN THE FORM OF PROSE [MOSTRA IN FORMA DI PROSA] - ANDREA BRANZI, Friday 7 October 19:00 KST 11:00 BST (Online and LearnUs Studio, Yonsei)

Theoretical texts, thoughts, writings in prose, in verses, or in a mixed form, alongside an uninterrupted sequence of drawings, photographs and videos. All the frames seem to follow a casual arrangement, and perhaps they are: today everything is, apparently, unpredictable, yet this mode of progressing produces new forms of knowledge.

To then arrive to the final proclamation “ARCHITECTURE BELONGS TO THEATRE”. Find out more.


Olivia Marra argues spatial archetypes of the Coenobium, Siedlung, and Allotment as three experiments in co-living for reconciling dwelling with gardening and togetherness with solitude. Her lecture will analyse these examples from the vantage point of gardening to expose their ambivalent characters. Despite having defined controversial and biopolitical projects of colonisation, domestication, and urbanisation, the Coenobium, Siedlung, and Allotment have also formalised gardening as a ritual of individual self-care and, also, collective imagination. In this sense, gardening should be reconsidered not as a hobby but as a mode of building and thinking, thus a praxis. Find out more.


The lecture is a retrospective of two architects, Taeyoung Kim and Hyunjun Kim on Onuel Community Housing, designed and built between 2015 and 2016. It begins with the key issues raised in the design process, proceeding to the architectural components designed as a response. It reveals the ambivalence of the goals and values that were actually embraced by the offer of design to choices, mobility and changeability, and its importance in the way how Oneul community has evolved since, living creative in everyday use of spaces both collectively and individually. The retrospective continues to the conversations with the Onul community members, further extending them to the discussions on the design of Community Housing now and afterwards. Find out more.

SESSION 5: AN INVITE TO TRANSGRESS - FRANCESCA ROMANA DELL’AGLIO, Wednesday 12 October 18:00 KST 10:00 BST (Online and LearnUs Studio, Yonsei)

Marco Frascari talked about drawing as an act of cosmopoiesis – the art of worldmaking. This, however, was distant from the meaning of disegno as a divine interpretation of reality, and it is instead more akin to a personal, sensorial act of imagination: it is an act of embodiment. This definition allows us to interpret the act of design as an acquired habit, intended more as a repetition that creates an attitude for a change. Architects, as human beings, tend to follow and apply rules, operate within boundaries and limits, yet we all have an hidden impulse to disobey and transgress, to consciously break with the system. This paper focus on the making of architecture as a process open to accidents, revisions and mistakes. In one word it exposes architecture to the act of transgression as an act of design. Find out more.

SESSION 6: METAPHYSICS AND ARCHITECTURE - FEDERICO CAMPAGNA, Wednesday 12 October 19:30 KST 11:30 BST (Online and LearnUs Studio, Yonsei)

In this lecture, Federico Campagna will look at the interactions between metaphysics and architecture. Moving from an existential analysis of the need for world-building in a chaotic universe, Campagna will consider the role of cultural producers in defining shared ideas about the nature of reality. The traditional relationship between city-planning, home-building and cosmology will serve as a starting point to discuss the opportunities and perils of designing spaces that suggest new metaphysical ideas about reality and our place within it. Find out more.

SESSION 7: HOMO ARTIS AND METROPOLIS - JEONG HWAN JOE, Thursday 13 October 18:00 KST 10:00 BST (Online and LearnUs Studio, Yonsei)

In this lecture, Jeong Hwan Joe will talk about the complex reality that in the transition of modern capitalism from industrial capitalism to cognitive capitalism, the networked metropolis beyond the walled factory has emerged as an expanded geographic space for production, and the productive subjectivity is being reconstructed from a unified industrial worker to a multitudinal Homo Artis, and this change defines the direction and form of practice for a new life. Find out more.

SESSION 8: CITIES AGAINST THE STATE - DAVID WENGROW, Friday 14 October 18:00 BST Saturday 15 October 02:00 KST (Online and LearnUs Studio, Yonsei)

Building on his work with David Graeber (The Dawn of Everything), David Wengrow will briefly introduce a new collaboration with Forensic Architecture (Eyal Weizman). They suggest an alignment between these two projects, which both seek to query the authority of state narratives by extracting counter-archives of information: respectively from the archaeological record, and from crime scenes. To explore this alignment, Wengrow will discuss the case of 6000-year-old settlements identified by archaeologists on the Bug-Dnieper interfluve, in modern Ukraine, which have been used to question the definition of “urbanisation” and the position of the modern state as a telos of human social development. Find out more.

The AA-Yonsei Lecture Series The Ambivalence of Design is funded by the British Council grant (British Council UK-Korea Virtual Academic Collaboration grant).
